Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why I am in a HEAP of Trouble?

Continued from yesterday. . . I decided it was time to regroup the external. I began a closet clean out. I am getting rid of all but about 15 pieces of clothing in my closet. It all started from a website I found while researching my new wardrobe attempts. (read all about it here: Jennifer Skinner's First Step to Wardrobe Planning) Okay, I know that sounds crazy, but I am going to do it. I am going to start by pulling out everything that either a) doesn't fit right or b) doesn't look great on me. Wow! I was amazed at what I found lurking deep in the hidden abyss. I am still hording things from when I worked. I am never going to wear those dress pants. Besides, every time I put them on, I feel like a teacher again. I want new emotions to go with my clothes.

So, it all MUST go!!!

This is just part of the pile. I decided that I am going to try to sell most of it on ebay. Well, at least the stuff that is still in good condition but may look better on a different body. So, I began photographing and folding.

Hopefully, I will recoup some much needed money to start from ground up. Well, my husband walked through the door late at night to catch me clearing out the closet. All I got from him was a slow uttered, "oooooo-kkkkaaaaayyyyy" with a hint of bewilderment.

The reason I am in trouble is because I am not going to have much to wear. Hopefully I can get to sewing and/or shopping to fill in some gaps.

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