Friday, November 28, 2008

I am in a HEAP of trouble!

Yes, pun intended. I really am in a heap of trouble. Let me start from the beginning.

A statement has been going through my head for a while now. It started well before my wardrobe worries. Someone stated almost in passing that a persons closet really shows the state of a persons life. That completely rocked my world for two reasons. The first is from a former employer. She told me that she always walked applicants to their cars after an interview so she could see inside their car. She always said it showed something about them.

Second, it the fact that both my closet and my car (or soccer mom mini-van) are disaster areas. I can blame it on the old "that's just who I am". But the fact of the matter is that I have always had a meticulous car and for the most part closet. Those were always two things that were always together. I cannot put a finger on when or where, but that is not the case anymore.

So, if I am going to make a change, it must start from within, first. And, I must begin to clean the external mess along with the internal mess. I am a born again evangelical Christian. I am a sinner saved by grace. I do believe that the Bible is the truth and the 100% word of God. So, I must start there. In fact, the Bible talks plainly about getting back to your first love. If I were to be honest, I would have to say that my life problems started with a foundation problem. Somewhere, my foundation has been allowed to deteriorate. I must at all costs renew and refresh my relationship with God the father.

So today begins a new quest. I am going to on purpose put God first in all I do. Seems simple enough. The Bible says that if we put Him first, all the other things will be added unto us. In Him, I live and have my being. What a great start!

Stay tuned tomorrow for why I am in a HEAP of trouble now!

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