Saturday, November 22, 2008


So, I was thinking this morning about how I spend so much of my time trying to simplify things so that my day is more streamlined. It is amazing that I keep myself going all of the time and never have time when I couldn't tell you what was taking up my time. I'm not sure if that last sentence made sense to anyone else but me.

I am a stay-at-home mom. I work around 91 hours per week. So, I have tried to do things, organize, come up with new methods, etc. all in an effort to gain back some time lost on "must do" things. Like most families, we have school to get to, church functions, Bible studies, dinners to cook, bikes to ride, laundry, general house work and all the other "typical" and most likely "atypical" family things. I will literally spend hours trying to come up with a system that will save me 5 minutes every other day only to abandon the system within a week or two.

My life is a series of over-simplifications. Hmmm . . . how to simplify the simplified. For the over-simplified-a-holic, I am sure I will find a way. It should be a simple task. And once accomplished, a real time saver for sure.

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