I am due in the middle of May 2012. I was going to the bathroom in December of 2011 (yes, sometimes the only place I can hear my own thoughts or reflect on anything in silence). While there, I was praying/thinking. It really came over me so strong. "Do not wait until the last minute." My mind started racing. "God, is my baby going to come early? Why do I need to have everything done early?" Ok, in fairness, my husband and I know we are procrastinators. Anyone relate? After praying for a while, I got nothing else. All I know is that I was supposed to prepare early. So, I decided I would do it.
I made my plan of attack. I would make a list of all the things I needed to buy and do. I would divide it up into 4 to give myself a month to make a portion of the purchases and get a portion of the things done. It would divide the work and the money from all the purchases as to not over tax us at any one time. Side note: we got rid of all of our baby stuff. We pretty much needed everything. Well, not exactly everything, but LOTS of stuff.
Here is a look at the progress that I have made over the past two months (ok, actually almost 3 months since I am almost done with the purchase part of my March list):
I didn't try to knock out a single category at a time. I tried to divide up some of the big stuff so it wouldn't be so pricey in a single month. I did research and went shopping. As I found things I thought I wanted from my list, I would purchase it. I did an attic sweep to find any and all things that we still had from our previous two kids (some usable - some not). If I reclaimed something from the attic, I took the time to clean it up, repair it, or get it back to 100% operational. I made it a goal to have 20 things purchased or "reclaimed for use" each month.
Now that I have talked about getting myself prepared, you probably want to see the big list. Here is a straight copy and paste of my list:
Nursery Furniture
Crib Mattress
Chest of Drawers
Changing Table
Rocking Chair
Crib Skirt
3 Water Proof Mattress Pads
3 Water Proof Pads
3 Crib Sheets
5-7 Receiving Blankets
Nursery Decor
Changing Pad
3 Changing Pad Covers
Trash Can
Storage Bins, etc.
Wall Paint
Laundry Basket
Diapering - read the specifics here
Wipe Warmer
Large Diaper Bag
Small Diaper Bag
Changing Mat for both diaper bags
Hand Sanitizer
Car Seats
Infant Car Seat
Convertible Car Seat
Car Seat Under mat
Single Main Stroller
Activity Jumper
Baby Gym
Play Yard
Play Yard
Play Yard Sheet
High Chair
High Chair
Booster Seat
5-7 Sleepers
10 Onesies
3 Hats
Nursing and Feeding
Breast Pump
New Pump Lines
Pump Accessories
Breast Pads
Milk Storage Bottles
Breastfeeding Shaw
8 Nursing Bras
6 Bibs
12 Burp Cloths
6 Small Bottles
6 Large Bottles
Slow Flow Nipples
Fast Flow Nipples
Bottle Warmer
Bottle Drying Rack
Bottle Brush
Dishwasher Caddy
4 Pacifiers (2 of 4)
Baby Care and Grooming
Nail Clippers
Brush and Comb
Bath Tub
Bath Sponge or Wash Cloths
3 Hooded Bath Towels
Body Wash/Shampoo
Cotton Balls
Infant Tooth Brush
Sanitary Pads
I am going to spend few posts diving into the list and showing you what I chose and why. Giving you some thoughts and insights into my decisions. Hopefully, you can take some of what I have done to incorporate it into your own thoughts, decisions, and needs.
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