Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's All For Sale

I have told you how I am selling all my clothes on ebay in an effort to start over and clean up my horrific closet mess. (which I am finding out is really about cleaning up my own life) So, in an effort to get out of debt and pay bills, I am selling it ALL! Well, okay not exactly all. We are going through the house and purging our cabinets, drawers, bins, spaces, and storage of things we don't necessarily need. Some of which we probably shouldn't have purchased anyway. So, eBay purchasers should be pleased that our loss will be their treasure. We need to finish Dave's baby step #1. We are selling stuff to reach our first goal.

Here is a short list of things going up for bid: DH's textbooks, my ipod video, my palm pilot, toys, movies, a digital picture frame, makeup, and much much more.

Woah! That somewhat sounded like a television add. I feel like I should be adding the proverbial "thats not all". Call in the next 5 minutes and you can have the kitchen sink too.

It feels good to clean up the mess and help out the family. Isn't it an odd phenomenon that purging yourself from things feels so good. These "things" I am getting rid of are the very "things" that I purchased in an effort to make me feel better or make life easier. Interesting thought!

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