Friday, December 05, 2008

I'm Raising Chickens!!!

Well, not literally but definately figuratively. Tonight I watched in amazement as two children (ages 4 and 2) literally ran from room to room singing Christmas songs - just like Chickens with their heads cut off. Well, actually my son, the four year old, sang the songs. My two year old daughter just ran around and scream sang key words in the song - such as "jingle bell" over and over. I am not joking when I say that they did this for at least 30 straight minutes. I'm not sure at what point, but I began watching the clock wondering how long they could possibly go. I am convinced that they would still be running around on their 48th round of the Christmas reindeer song my son learned at preschool had my husband not walked through the door to break the monotony.

Afterward, my son goes and gets on my bed with a different pair of pajamas. When I walked in he said, "Mom, can I wear these pajamas (pointing to the ones he was holding). These (pointing to the ones he was wearing) are making me tired."

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