Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Breakthrough Task

So, I am a huge fan of FlyLady. She has a whole method of things which I subscribe to in some general consensus. If you have never heard of FlyLady, you have to check her out at As part of her get organized theory, she asks that you get dressed to your shoes each day. A seemingly easy task for most. But not me. Since deciding to stay home with my kids, I have put my "look" or style on the back burner. The biggest reason is/was money. And couple that with the identity crisis of a on-the-go, never stop, ALWAYS going person. I immediately one day just stayed home. Again, a simple and rewarding task for most. However, it was a death sentence to me.

Fast forward three and a half years later, and that brings us to now, the present day. I have conceded to the fact that I am in fact a stay-at-home anything - not just mom. But nothing else about me has adjusted accordingly. Stupid I know. I would love to be one of those women that I envy who has it all together - clean house, decorated house, clean kids, fashionable kids, put together, never appears under pressure, knows the latest news, has the latest scoop, can sing all the songs to HSM 1, 2 and 3, you get the picture.

As per FlyLady rules, the first step is shining your sink. I have perfected the shinning sink to the point of true sink shine stardom. Nothing else in my kitchen may be clean (including all pots and pans and for some reason spoons) but the sink is spotless.

The second step is where her whole system leaves me in the dust - get dressed to your shoes. This simple step is the one place that keeps me stuck in the mud and muck of life, I am convinced. I have tried and tried, but no matter what I do I get stuck on number two. I am not a stupid person (actually self-proclaimed genius). I am a reasonable young woman who should be able to do a reasonable task. I truly believe that this one single step could be my breakthrough step.

FlyLady and all her minions proclaim that this one step has changed there life. I subscribe to the Tim Gunn theory of your outside is really a mirror to your inside. So, what does my outside say? Tired. Stressed. Blasè. Uninterested. Boring. A literal mess. Yes, these things all describe me at some point in most days, but they don't hit on the REAL me.

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