Sunday, January 04, 2009

Stuck in the Twilight Zone

Okay, I will first admit that I have actually never watched a single episode of the Twilight Zone. But, in my mind, I am stuck in some kind of weird world where everything stops and everything flies by. I like to call it "chasing my tail". I run, go, and do without really getting anywhere. Maybe it was just all the holiday commitments between buying gifts (which in my opinion was 2.5 months well spent and my favorite part of Christmas) and family commitments both for the holidays and otherwise.

Personally, I think it goes back to my realization that I over-think EVERYTHING! Literally, I have conversations with myself as to whether or not I should go ahead and get up and go to the bathroom or would it be better to get what I am doing done quick and then go. My mind must make "an act of congress" before I even do basic bodily functions. I way the options, explore alternative measures, measure the costs of all bids, debate the issue way longer than it deserves and then usually end up coming to some resolution that really skirts the original issue.

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