Thursday, March 31, 2011

Does Cinderella Have a Car?

I just love the way the mind of a 4 year old little girl works.  My daughter giggles as she asks, "Mom, does Cinderella have a car?"  It cracks her completely up.  She is now in full fledge laughter.  I start to laugh too.  I mean can you imagine Cinderella driving down the freeway.

She continues, "How else does she get to her castle in Florida?"  Yes, my brilliant daughter has figured out that we just saw her in California, but her castle is in Florida.  She is trying to reconcile it all in her head.

As cool as a cucumber, I simply stated, "A princess would never drive to Florida.  I am certain she would fly."  We both laughed - I at a innocent, bright-eyed four year old; she at the thought of a princess having to fly.